Map of Human Rights Litigation against Corporations

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre have partnered with Liberty Asia  to develop a legal case map of all human rights litigation against corporations. This valuable resource is available here and enables readers to search by topic, company, and legislation relied upon.  The project covers a broad range of cases including labor rights violations, human trafficking, climate change and environmental degradation, crimes against humanity, child labor and more.  It’s worth a look for anything interested in these issues or human rights litigation generally.


First posted on the Human Rights at Home blog.




Legal glitch means trafficking transparency law isn't so transparent

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, which came into effect in 2012, mandates that certain companies disclose what steps they've taken, if any, to address human trafficking and forced labor in their supply chains....Today, a legal glitch threatens to undermine the law's value and broader efforts to prevent the exploitation of human beings.

For more, see my op-ed on